פרופ' דרור מר חיים

מנהל היחידה לבקרה ומניעת זיהומים

התמחה ברפואה פנימית במרכז הרפואי שמיר (אסף הרופא), במחלות זיהומיות במרכז הרפואי תל אביב (איכילוב) ובמניעת זיהומים ואפידמיולוגיה ב- Wayne State University אשר במישיגן, ארה"ב. חוקר בתחום חיידקים רב עמידים, זיהומים נרכשים בבתי חולים וניקיון סביבתי.

פרופסור חבר בחוג לרפואה פנימית בפקולטה לרפואה ע"ש סאקלר באוניברסיטת תל אביב.


רפואה פנימית ומחלות זיהומיות


2002 ד"ר לרפואה, הפקולטה לרפואה, אוניברסיטת בן גוריון בנגב

2006 מומחה ברפואה פנימית

2009 מומחה במחלות זיהומיות

ניסיון קליני

2002-2006- התמחות ברפואה פנימית, פנימית א', המרכז הרפואי שמיר.

2007-2009- התמחות במחלות זיהומיות, המרכז הרפואי תל אביב-סוראסקי.

2009-2011- התמחות במניעת זיהומים ואפידמיולוגיה של בתי חולים ב- Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

2011-2013- רופא בכיר היחידה למחלות זיהומיות, המרכז הרפואי שמיר.

2013-2017- מנהל השירות לבקרה ומניעת זיהומים, היחידה למחלות זיהומיות, המרכז הרפואי שמיר.

2017  עד עכשיו – מנהל היחידה לבקרה ומניעת זיהומים, המרכז הרפואי שמיר.

חברות בארגונים מקצועיים

  • האיגוד הישראלי לרפואה פנימית
  • האיגוד הישראלי למחלות זיהומיות
  • Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA)
  • Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
  • The American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
  • European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID)

תחומי מחקר

1. אפידמיולוגיה של חיידקים רב עמידים

  • פיתוח כלים לניבוי זיהומים ע"י חיידקים רב עמידים בקבלה לאשפוז ובזיהומים נוזוקומיאליים.
  • Acinetobacter baumannii infections
  • Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) infections
  • Multi-drug resistant Enterobacteriaceae infections (ESBL, AmpC)
  • Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) infections
  • Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections
  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections
  • Clostridium difficile infections

2. אפידמיולוגיה של זיהומים נרכשים בבתי חולים

  • אלח דם
  • זיהומים בתר ניתוחיים
  • דלקת ריאות בחולים מונשמים
  • דלקת בדרכי השתן בחולים עם קטטר שתן

3. יעילות התערבויות במניעת זיהומים וניקיון וחיטוי סביבתי

  • מחקרי cross-over להתערבויות בתחום מניעת זיהומים וניקיון סביבתי של סביבת המטופל בבתי חולים.

רשימת פרסומים

Original Articles

  1. Marchaim D, Hallak M, Gortzak-Uzan L, Peled N, Riesenberg K, Schlaeffer F. Cell-wall proteins of group B streptococcus and low incidence of neonatal disease in southern Israel. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2003; 48:697-702.
  2. Marchaim D, Hallak M, Gortzak-Uzan L, Peled N, Riesenberg K, Schlaeffer F. Risk factors for carriage of group B streptococcus in southern Israel. Israel Medical Association Journal 2003; 5:646-648.
  3. Bisharat N, Jones N, Marchaim D, Block C, Harding RM, Yagupsky P, Peto T, Crook DW. Population structure of group B streptococcus from a low incidence region for invasive neonatal disease. Microbiology 2005; 151:1875-1881.
  4. Marchaim D, Lazarovitch Z, Efrati S, Dishy V, Weissgarten J, Bouldur I, Zaidenstein R. Serious consequences to the use of cephalosporins as the first line of antimicrobial therapy administered in hemodialysis units. Nephron Clinical Practice 2005; 101:58-64.
  5. Marchaim D, Efrati S, Melamed R, Gortzak-Uzan L, Riesenberg K, Zaidenstein R, Schlaeffer F. Clonal variability of group B streptococcus among different groups of carriers from southern Israel. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2006; 25:443-48.
  6. Marchaim D, Navon-Venezia S, Schwartz D, Tarabeia J, Fefer I, Schwaber MJ, Carmeli Y. Surveillance Cultures and Duration of Carriage of Multi-Drug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2007; 45:1551-55.
  7. Marchaim D, Navon-Venezia S, Leavitt A, Chmelnitsky I, Schwaber MJ, Carmeli Y. Molecular and Epidemiologic Study of Polyclonal Outbreaks of Multidrug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Infection in an Israeli Hospital. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2007; 28:945-50.
  8. Marchaim D, Navon-Venezia S, Schwaber MJ, Lidgi S, Carmeli Y. Isolation of imipenem-resistant Enterobacter species: emergence of KPC-2 carbapenemase, molecular characterization, epidemiology, and outcomes. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2008; 52:1413-18.
  9. Marchaim D, Zaidenstein R, Lazarovitch T, Karpuch Y, Ziv T, Weinberger M. Epidemiology of bacteremia episodes in a single center: increase in Gram-negative isolates, antibiotics resistance, and patient age. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2008; 27:1045–51.
  10. Efrati S, Sadetzki S, Zaretsky M, Kimiagar I, Rosenblum R, Marchaim D, Berman S, Bar-Haim A, Abu Hamad R, Feigenzon M, Chetrit A, Yassky D, Weissgarten J, Bass A. Carotid atherosclerotic disease following childhood scalp irradiation. Atherosclerosis 2009; 204:556-60.
  11. Marchaim D, Kaye KS, Fowler V, Chawla V, Golan Y, Karchmer AW, Carmeli Y. Case-control study to identify factors associated with mortality among patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2010; 16:747-52.
  12. Reddy T, Chopra T, Marchaim D, Pogue J, Alangaden G, Salimnia H, Dhar S, Kaye KS. Trends in antimicrobial resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii isolates from a metropolitan Detroit health system. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2010; 54:2235:38.
  13. Kaye KS, Marchaim D, Klock K, Bentley L. Suction Regulators: A potential vector for hospital acquired pathogens. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2010; 31:772-74.
  14. Dhar S, Tansek R, Toftey B, Dzeikan B, Chevalier TC, Bohlinger CG, Fitch M, Flanagan E, Chopra T, Marchaim D, Kaye KS. Observer bias in hand hygiene compliance reporting. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2010; 31:869-70.
  15. Marchaim D, Gottesman T, Schwartz O, Korem M, Maor Y, Rahav G, Karplus R, Lazarovitch T, Braun E, Sprecher H, Lachish T, Wiener-Well Y, Alon D, Chowers M, Ciobotaro P, Bardenstein R, Paz A, Potasman I, Giladi M, Schechner V, Schwaber MJ, Lidji S, Carmeli Y. National multi-center study of predictors and outcomes of bacteremia upon hospital admission caused by Enterobacteriaceae producing extended-spectrum β-lactamases. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2010; 54: 5099-104.
  16. Marchaim D, Chopra T, Pogue JM, Perez F, Hujer AM, Rudin S, Endimiani A, Navon-Venezia S, Hothi J, Slim J, Blunden C, Shango M, Lephart PR, Salimnia H, Reid D, Moshos J, Hafeez W, Bheemreddy S, Chen TY, Dhar S, Bonomo RA, Kaye KS. Outbreak of colistin-resistant, carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in metropolitan Detroit, Michigan. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2011; 55: 593-599.
  17. Kaye KS, Marchaim D, Chen TY, Chopra T, Anderson DJ, Choi Y, Sloane R, Schmader KE. Predictors of Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections in Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2011; 59:622-627.
  18. Chopra T, Binienda J, Mohammed M, Shyamraj R, Long P, Bach D, Carlton C, Peters S, Lephart PR, Alangaden G, Dhar S, Marchaim D, Schreiber M, Kaye KS. A Practical Method for Surveillance of Novel H1N1 Influenza Using Automated Hospital Data. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2011; 32:700-702.
  19. Marchaim D, Chopra T, Perez F, Hayakawa K, Lephart PR, Bheemreddy S, Blunden C, Hujer AM, Rudin S, Shango M, Campbell M, Varkey J, Slim J, Ahmad F, Patel D, Chen TY, Pogue JM, Salimnia H, Dhar S, Bonomo RA, Kaye KS. Outcomes and genetic relatedness of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae at Detroit Medical Center. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2011; 32: 861-71.
  20. Hayakawa K, Marchaim D, Vidaillac C, Lephart PR, Pogue JM, Sunkara B, Kotra H, Hasan A, Shango M, Yerramalla Y, Osunlana AM, Chopra T, Dhar S, Salimnia H, Rybak MJ, Kaye KS. Growing Prevalence of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis in the region with the highest prevalence of vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2011; 32:922-4.
  21. Schechner V, Gottesman T, Schwartz O, Korem M, Maor Y, Rahav G, Karplus R, Lazarovitch T, Braun E, Finkelstein R, Lachish T, Wiener-Well Y, Alon D, Chowers M, Bardenstein R, Zimhony O, Paz A, Potasman I, Giladi M, Schwaber MJ, Lidji S, Hochman M, Marchaim D, Carmeli Y. Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia upon hospital admission: Risk factors for mortality and influence of inadequate empirical antimicrobial therapy. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 2011; 71:38-45.
  22. Pogue JM, Lee J, Marchaim D, Yee V, Zhao JJ, Chopra T, Lephart PR, Kaye KS. Incidence of and risk factors for colistin-associated nephrotoxicity in a large academic health-system. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2011; 53:879-84.
  23. Sunkara B, Bheemreddy S, Lorber B, Lephart PR, Hayakawa K, Sobel JD, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. Group B Streptococcus infections in non-pregnant adults: the role of immunosuppression. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2012; 16:e182-6.
  24. Collins VL, Marchaim D, Pogue JM, Moshos J, Bheemreddy S, Sunkara B, Shallal A, Chugh N, Eiseler S, Bhargava P, Blunden C, Lephart PR, Irfan Memon B, Hayakawa K, Abreu-Lanfranco O, Chopra T, Munoz-Price LS, Carmeli Y, Kaye Efficacy of Ertapenem for Treatment of Bloodstream Infections Caused by Extended-Spectrum-β-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2012; 56:2173-7.
  25. Hayakawa K, Marchaim D, Martin ET, Tiwari N, Sunkara B, Yousuf A, Pulluru H, Kotra H, Hasan A, Bheemreddy S, Sheth P, Lee D, Kamatam S, Bathina P, Nanjireddy P, Chalana IK, Patel S, Kumar S, Vahia A, Ku K, Yee V, Swan J, Pogue JM, Lephart PR, Rybak MJ, Kaye KS. Comparison of the clinical characteristics and outcomes associated with vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis and vancomycin-resistant faecium bacteremia. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2012; 56:2452-8.
  26. Chopra T, Marchaim D, Veltman J, Johnson P, Zhao JJ, Tansek R, Hatahet D, Chaudhry K, Pogue JM, Rahbar H, Chen TY, Truong T, Rodriguez V, Ellsworth J, Bernabela L, Bhargava A, Yousuf A, Alangaden G, Kaye KS. Impact of Cefepime Therapy on Mortality among Patients with Bloodstream Infections Caused by Extended-Spectrum-beta-Lactamase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2012; 56:3936-42.
  27. Marchaim D, Chopra T, Bhargava A, Bogan C, Dhar S, Hayakawa K, Pogue JM, Bheemreddy S, Blunden C, Shango M, Swan J, Lephart PR, Perez F, Bonomo RA, Kaye KS. Recent exposure to antimicrobials and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae: the role of antimicrobial stewardship. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2012; 33:817-30.
  28. Marchaim D, Sunkara B, Lephart PR, Mynatt RP, Zhao JJ, Bheemreddy S, Hayakawa K, Chopra T, Dhar S, Kaye KS. Extended-spectrum β-lactamase producers reported as “susceptible” to piperacillin/tazobactam, cefepime, and cefuroxime, in the era of lowered break-points and no confirmatory tests. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2012; 33:853-5.
  29. Judge T, Pogue JM, Marchaim D, Ho K, Kamatam S, Parveen S, Tiwari N, Nanjireddy P, Bheemreddy S, Biedron C, Lepakshi Reddy SM, Khammam V, Chalana IK, Tumma RS, Collins V, Yousuf A, Lephart, PR, Martin ET, Rybak MJ, Kaye KS, Hayakawa K. Epidemiology of Vancomycin-resistant enterococci with reduced susceptibility to daptomycin. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2012; 33:1250-54.
  30. Hayakawa K, Marchaim D, Pogue JM, Sarwan K, Lephart PR, Sobel JD, Kaye KS. Growing Prevalence of Providencia stuartii associated with the increased usage of colistin at a tertiary healthcare center. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2012; 16:e646-48.
  31. Marchaim D, Taylor AR, Abreu-Lanfranco O, Bheemreddy S, Sunkara B, Moshos J, Hayakawa K, Chopra T, Panda S, Pogue JM, Lephart PR, Dhar S, Kaye KS. Hospital Bath Basins Are Frequently Contaminated with Multi-Drug Resistant Human Pathogens. American Journal of Infection Control 2012; 40:562-64.
  32. Marchaim D, Chopra T, Bogan C, Bheemreddy S, Sengstock D, Jagarlamudi R, Malani A, Lemanek L, Moshos J, Lephart PR, Ku K, Hasan A, Lee J, Khandker N, Blunden C, Geffert SF, Moody M, Hiro R, Wang Y, Ahmed F, Mohammadi T, Faruque O, Patel D, Pogue JM, Hayakawa K, Dhar S, Kaye KS. The burden of multidrug-resistant organisms on tertiary hospitals posed by patients with recent stays in long-term acute care facilities. American Journal of Infection Control 2012; 40:760-65.
  33. Chopra T, Marchaim D, Lynch Y, Kosmidis C, Zhao JJ, Dhar S, Gheyara N, Turner D, Gulish D, Wood M, Alangaden G, Kaye KS. Epidemiology and Outcomes Associated with Surgical Site Infection Following Bariatric Surgery. American Journal of Infection Control 2012; 40:815-19.
  34. Marchaim D, Perez F, Lee J, Bheemreddy S, Hujer AM, Rudin S, Hayakawa K, Lephart PR, Blunden C, Shango M, Campbell ML, Varkey J, Manickam P, Patel D, Pogue JM, Chopra T, Martin ET, Dhar S, Bonomo RA, Kaye KS. “Swimming in resistance”: co-colonization with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter baumannii or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. American Journal of Infection Control 2012; 40:830-35.
  35. Ku K, Pogue JM, Moshos J, Bheemreddy S, Wang Y, Bhargava A, Campbell M, Khandker N, Lephart PR, Chopra T, Hayakawa K, Martin ET, Abreu-Lanfranco O, Dhar S, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. Retrospective evaluation of colistin versus tigecycline for the treatment of Acinetobacter baumannii and/or carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae American Journal of Infection Control 2012; 40:983-7.
  36. Hayakawa K, Marchaim D, Pogue JM, Ho K, Parveen S, Nanjireddy P, Sunkara B, Singla M, Jagadeesh KK, Moshos JA, Bommarito S, Mroue R, Farhat M, Obeid T, Chaudhry A, Vadlamudi G, Lephart PR, Martin ET, Rybak MJ, Kaye KS. Predictors and outcomes of linezolid-resistant vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus: a case-case-control study. American Journal of Infection Control 2012; 40:e261-63.
  37. Marchaim D, Lemanek L, Bheemreddy S, Kaye KS, Sobel JD. Fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans Obstetrics and Gynecology 2012; 120:1407-14.
  38. Campbell ML, Marchaim D, Pogue JM, Sunkara B, Bheemreddy S, Chugh N, Poona A, Wilson MN, Moshos J, Ku K, Singh K, Chopra T, Hayakawa K, Martin ET, Lephart PR, Rybak MJ, Kaye KS. Treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections with a minimal inhibitory concentration of 2µg/mL to vancomycin: old (trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) versus new (daptomycin or linezolid) agents. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2012; 46:1587-97.
  39. Hayakawa K, Marchaim D, Palla M, Mahesh Gudur U, Pulluru H, Bathina P, Alshabani K, Govindavarjhulla A, Mallad A, Reddy Abbadi D, Chowdary D, Kakarlapudi H, Guddati H, Das M, Kannekanti N, Vemuri P, Doddamani R, Rakesh Mundra VR, Reddy Guddeti R, Policherla R, Bai S, Lohithaswa S, Prasad Shashidharan S, Chidurala S, Diviti S, Sukayogula K, Joseph M, Pogue JM, Lephart PR, Martin ET, Rybak MJ, Kaye KS. Epidemiology of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis: a case-case-control study. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2013; 57:49-55.
  40. Martin ET, Tansek R, Collins VL, Hayakawa K, Abreu-Lanfranco O, Chopra T, Lephart PR, Pogue JM, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. The carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae score: a bedside score to rule out infection with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae among hospitalized patients. American Journal of Infection Control 2013; 41:180-182.
  41. Lazarovitch T, Shango M, Levine M, Brusovansky R, Akins R, Hayakawa K, Lephart PR, Sobel JD, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. The relationship between the new taxonomy of Streptococcus bovis and its clonality, to colon cancer, endocarditis and biliary disease. Infection 2013; 41:329-37.
  42. Hayakawa K, Gattu S, Marchaim D, Bhargava A, Palla M, Alshabani K, Mahesh Gudur U, Pulluru H, Bathina P, Sundaragiri PR, Sarkar M, Kakarlapudi H, Ramasamy B, Nanjireddy P, Mohin S, Dasagi M, Datla S, Kuchipudi V, Reddy S, Shahani S, Upputuri V, Marrey S, Gannamani V, Madhanagopal N, Annangi S, Sudha B, Muppavarapu KS, Moshos J, Lephart PR, Pogue JM, Bush K, Kaye KS. Epidemiology and risk factors for isolation of Escherichia coli producing CTX-M-type extended-spectrum β-lactamase in a large U.S. Medical Center. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2013; 57:4010-8.
  43. Chopra T, Marchaim D, Awali R, Krishna A, Johnson P, Tansek R, Chaudhry K, Lephart P, Slim J, Hothi J, Ahmed H, Pogue J, Zhao J, Kaye KS. Epidemiology of bloodstream infections caused by Acinetobacter baumannii and impact of drug resistance to both carbapenems and ampicillin-sulbactam on clinical outcomes. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2013; 57:6270-5.
  44. Omotola AM, Li Y, Martin ET, Alshabani K, Yadav D, Sarkar M, Thapa SD, Kumar V, Mahabashya A, Ahmad S, Bhargava A, Marchaim D, Pogue JM, Rybak MJ, Kaye KS, Hayakawa K. Risk factors for and epidemiology of community-onset vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis in southeast Michigan. American Journal of Infection Control 2013; 41:1244-8.
  45. Hayakawa K, Marchaim D, Bathina P, Martin ET, Pogue JM, Sunkara B, Kamatam S, Ho K, Burton Willis L, Ajamoughli M, Patel D, Khan A, Lee KP, Suhrawardy U, Tiwari N, Jagadeesh KK, Lepakshi Reddy SM, Levine M, Ahmed F, Omotola AM, Mustapha M, Moshos JA, Rybak MJ, Kaye KS. Independent Risk Factors for Co-colonization of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecalis and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the region most endemic for Vancomycin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2013; 32:815-20.
  46. Pogue JM, Marchaim D, Abreu-Lanfranco O, Sunkara B, Mynatt RP, Zhao JJ, Bheemreddy S, Hayakawa K, Chopra T, Martin ET, Dhar S, Kaye KS, Lephart PR. Fosfomycin activity versus carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus, Detroit, 2008-10. Journal of Antibiotics 2013; 66:625-7.
  47. Pogue JM, Mynatt RP, Marchaim D, Zhao JJ, Barr VO, Moshos J, Sunkara B, Chopra T, Chidurala S, Kaye KS. Automated alerts coupled with antimicrobial stewardship intervention lead to decreases in length of stay in patients with Gram-negative bacteremia. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2014; 35:132-8.
  48. Ahmad F, Pogue JM, Marchaim D, Chopra T, Lee J, Bheemreddy S, Mudegowdra NS, Chaudhry A, Kaye KS. Evaluation of the potential impact of a carbapenem de-escalation program in an academic healthcare system. Journal of Infection and Public Health 2014; 7:50-3.
  49. Kaye KS, Marchaim D, Chen TY, Baures T, Anderson DJ, Choi Y, Sloane R, Schmader KE. Effect of Nosocomial Bloodstream Infections on Mortality, Length of Stay, and Hospital Costs in Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2014; 62:306-11.
  50. Dhar S, Marchaim D, Tansek R, Chopra T, Yousuf A, Bhargava A, Martin ET, Talbot TR, Johnson LE, Hingwe A, Zuckerman JM, Bono BR, Shuman EK, Poblete J, Tran M, Kulhanek G, Thyagarajan R, Nagappan V, Herzke C, Perl T, Kaye KS. Contact Precautions: More is not Necessarily Better. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2014; 35:213-21.
  51. Brennan BM, Coyle JR, Marchaim D, Pogue JM, Boehme M, Finks J, Malani AN, Ver Lee KE, Buckley BO, Mollon N, Sundin DR, Washer LL, Kaye KS. Statewide surveillance of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Michigan. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2014; 35:342-9.
  52. Bhargava A, Hayakawa K, Silverman E, Haider S, Alluri KC, Datla S, Diviti S, Kuchipudi V, Muppavarapu KS, Lephart PR, Martin ET, Chopra T, Marchaim D, Kaye KS. Risk factors for colonization due to Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae among patients exposed to long term acute care and acute care facilities. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2014; 35:398-405.
  53. Coyle JR, Kaye KS, Taylor T, Tansek R, Campbell M, Sunkara B, Hayakawa K, Marchaim D. Effectiveness and cost of implementing an active surveillance screening policy for Acinetobacter baumannii: A Monte Carlo simulation model. American Journal of Infection Control 2014; 42:283-7.
  54. Marchaim D, Pogue JM, Tzuman O, Hayakawa K, Lephart PR, Salimnia H, Painter T, Zervos MJ, Johnson LE, Perri MB, Hartman P, Thyagarajan RV, Major S, Goodell M, Fakih M, Washer LL, Newton DW, Malani A, Wholehan JM, Mody L, Kaye KS. Major variation in MICs of tigecycline in Gram-negative bacilli as a function of testing method. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2014; 52:1617-21.
  55. Farooq S, Hayakawa K, Marchaim D, Pogue JM, Kaye KS. Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolation among older adults: epidemiology and outcomes. American Journal of Infection Control 2014; 42:565-8.
  56. Bogan C, Kaye KS, Chopra T, Hayakawa K, Pogue JM, Lephart PR, Bheemreddy S, Lazarovitch T, Zaidenstein R, Perez F, Bonomo RA, Marchaim D. Outcomes of Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Isolation: Matched Analysis. American Journal of Infection Control 2014; 42:612-20.
  57. Zhao JJ, Marchaim D, Palla MB, Bogan CW, Hayakawa K, Tansek R, Moshos J, Muthusamy A, Kotra H, Lephart PR, Wilson AN, Kaye KS. Surgical-site infections in genital reconstruction surgery for gender reassignment, Detroit 1984-2008. Surgical Infections (Larchmt) 2014; 15:99-104.
  58. Hayakawa K, Martin ET, Mahesh Gudur U, Marchaim D, Dalle D, Alshabani K, Muppavarapu KS, Kesrani J, Bathina P, Sundaragiri PR, Dhar Rajuri S, Khatri J, Pogue JM, Lephart PR, Rybak MJ, Kaye KS. The impact of different antimicrobial therapies on clinical and fiscal outcomes of patients with bacteremia due to vancomycin-resistant enterococci. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2014; 58:3968-75.
  59. Chopra T, Marchaim D, Johnson PC, Awali RA, Chalana I, Doshi H, Davis N, Zhao JJ, Pogue JM, Parmar S, Kaye KS. Risk factors and outcomes for patients with bloodstream infection due to Acinetobacter baumannii-calcoaceticus complex. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2014; 58:4630-5.
  60. Ofer-Friedman H, Shefler C, Sharma S, Tirosh A, Tal-Jasper R, Kandipalli D, Sharma S, Bathina P, Kaplansky T, Maskit M, Azouri T, Lazarovitch T, Zaidenstein R, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. Carbapenems Versus Piperacillin-Tazobactam for Bloodstream Infections of Nonurinary Source Caused by Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2015; 36:981-985.
  61. Leibman V, Martin ET, Tal-Jasper R, Grin L, Hayakawa K, Shefler C, Azouri T, Kaplansky T, Maskit M, Lazarovitch T, Zaidenstein R, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. Simple bedside score to optimize the time and the decision to initiate appropriate therapy for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials 2015; 14:31.
  62. Lazarovitch T, Amity K, Coyle JR, Ackerman B, Tal-Jasper R, Ofer-Friedman H, Hayakawa K, Bogan C, Lephart PR, Kaplansky T, Maskit M, Azouri T, Zaidenstein R, Perez F, Bonomo RA, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. The complex epidemiology of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacter infections: a multicenter descriptive analysis. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2015; 36:1283-91.
  63. Chopra T, Marchaim D, Johnson PC, Chalana I, Tamam Z, Mohammed M, Alkatib S, Tansek R, Chaudhry K, Zhao JJ, Pogue JM, Kaye KS. Risk factors for bloodstream infection caused by extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae: A focus on antimicrobials including cefepime. American Journal of Infection Control 2015; 43:719-23.
  64. Matsubayashi S, Kaye KS, Farooq S, Marchaim D, Hayakawa K. Epidemiology of CTX-M-type extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli among older adults. American Journal of Infection Control 2015; 43:1261-3.
  65. Chopra T, Marchaim D, Awali RA, Chalana I, Ahmed F, Martin EM, Sieggreen M, Sobel JD, Kaye KS. Risk factors and acute in-hospital costs for infected pressure ulcers among gunshot-spinal cord injury victims in southeastern Michigan. American Journal of Infection Control 2016; 44:315-9.
  66. Katz DE, Friedman ND, Ostrovski E, Ravid D, Amrami N, Avivi D, Mengesha B, Zaidenstein R, Lazarovitch T, Dadon M, Marchaim D. Diabetic Foot Infection in Hospitalized Adults. Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 2016; 22:167-73.
  67. Dhar S, Martin ET, Lephart PR, McRoberts JP, Chopra T, Burger TT, Tal-Jasper R, Hayakawa K, Ofer-Friedman H, Lazarovitch T, Zaidenstein R, Perez F, Bonomo RA, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. Risk Factors and Outcomes for Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolation, Stratified by Its Multilocus Sequence Typing: ST258 Versus Non-ST258. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2016; 3:ofv213.
  68. Tal-Jasper R, Katz DE, Amrami N, Ravid D, Avivi D, Zaidenstein R, Lazarovitch T, Dadon M, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. The clinical and epidemiological significance of carbapenem resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2016; 60:3127-31.
  69. Katz DE, Marchaim D, Assous MV, Yinnon A, Ben Chetrit E. 10-Years with Colistin: A Retrospective Case Series. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2016; 70:706-11.
  70. Chopra T, Awali RA, Biedron C, Vallin E, Bheemreddy S, Saddler CM, Mullins K, Echaiz JF, Bernabela L, Severson R, Marchaim D, Lephart P, Johnson L, Thyagarajan R, Kaye KS, Alangaden G. Predictors of Clostridium difficile infection-related mortality among older adults. American Journal of Infection Control 2016; 44:1219-23.
  71. Marcus G, Levi S, Salhab, G, Mengesha B, Tzuman O, Shur S, Burke E, Cruz Mayeda R, Cochavi L, Perluk I, Zaidenstein R, Lazarovitch T, Dadon M, Marchaim D. Intra-abdominal infections: the role of anaerobes, enterococci, fungi, and multi-drug resistant organisms. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2016; 3:ofw232.
  72. Viaua RA, Kiedrowski L, Kreiswirth BN, Adams M, Perez F, Marchaim D, Guerrero DM, Kaye KS, Logan LK, Villegas MV, Bonomo RA. A Comparison of molecular typing methods applied to Enterobacter cloacae complex: hsp60 sequencing, Rep-PCR, and MLST. Pathogens and Immunity 2017; 2:23-33.
  73. Marchaim D, Levit D, Zigron R, Gordon M, Lazarovitch T, Carrico JA, Chalifa-Caspi V, Moran-Gilad J. Clinical and molecular epidemiology of Acinetobacter baumannii bloodstream infections in an endemic setting. Future Microbiology 2017; 12:271-283.
  74. Martin ET, Haider S, Palleschi M, Eagle S, Crisostomo DV, Haddox P, Harmon L, Mazur R, Moshos J, Marchaim D, Kaye KS. Bathing hospitalized dependent patients with pre-packaged disposable washcloths instead of traditional bath basins: a case-crossover study. American Journal of Infection Control 2017; 45:990-994.
  75. Zaidenstein R, Miller A, Tal-Jasper R, Ofer-Friedman H, Sklarz M, Katz DE, Lazarovitch T, Lephart PR, Mengesha B, Tzuman O, Dadon M, Daniel C, Moran-Gilad J, Marchaim D. Therapeutic management of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bloodstream infection non-susceptible to carbapenems but susceptible to "old" cephalosporins and/or to penicillins. Microorganisms 2018; 6: pii: E9.
  76. Youngsteir I, Lazarovitch T, Bondorenco M, Kachlon Y, Toledano L, Mengesha B, Zaidenstein R, Daniel C, Dadon M, Marchaim D. The epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infections and aspects pertaining to treatment with vancomycin at Assaf Harofeh Medical Center. Harefuah 2018; 157:305-308.
  77. Friedman ND, Levit D, Taleb E, Marcus G, Michaeli L, Broide M, Mengesha B, Zaidenstein R, Lazarovitch T, Dadon M, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. Towards a definition for healthcare-associated infection. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2018; 5:ofy116.
  78. Vitkon-Barkay I, Lazarovitch T, Marchaim D, Zaidenstein R, Temkin E, Martin ET, Segaloff HE, Litovchik I, Rum V, Richter C, Tzuman O, Vered Z, Minha S. Usefulness of Serum Procalcitonin as a Marker for Coexisting Infection in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. American Journal of Cardiology 2018; 122:729-734.
  79. Aviv T, Lazarovitch T, Katz D, Zaidenstein R, Dadon M, Daniel C, Tal-Jasper R, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. The epidemiological impact and significance of carbapenem resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa bloodstream infections: a matched case-case-control analysis. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2018; 39:1262-1265.
  80. Ben-David D, Vaturi A, Solter E, Temkin E, Carmeli Y, Schwaber MJ, and the Israel CLABSI Prevention Working Group (Axel A, Maayan SL, Jacobson D, Vilozni Y, Berezovsky V, Rubinovitch B, Madar H, Paz A, Weber G, Izhaki S, Soboh S, Shitrit M, Eden A, Chazan B, Grinberg Avraham I, Abusebeih A, Ziv Y, Samokhvalov A, Agha E, Takker Rafter E, Gottesman Yekutieli T, Fedorowsky R, Benenson S, Schwartz C, Harpaz K, Gweta-Lugassy C, Vaknin A, Stein M, Ben-Natan O, Nasrawi L, Ciobotaro P, Oved M, Kishinevsky E, Polishuk Y, Bardenstein R, Kloyzner B, Shitrit P, Gerber B, Alderman Schumer H, Hilel O, Benisty O, Zayyad H, Labay K, Hussein K, Dabaja-Younis H, Eluk O, Alon T, Cohen R, Cohen S, Afraimov M, Nativ R, Eskira S, Wiener-Well Y, Bier L, Marchaim D, Goldshtein L, Klafter D, Tal I, Machtin E, Mor M, Rozenfeld S, Shmuelov E, Nahum E, Schechner V, Perechododnik A, Maor Y, Tarabeia J). The Association between Implementation of Second-Tier Prevention Practices and CLABSI Incidence: A National Survey. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2019; 40:1094-1099.
  81. Zilberman-Itskovich S, Youngster I, Lazarovitch T, Bondorenco M, Toledano L, Kachlon Y, Mengesha B, Strul N, Zaidenstein R, Marchaim D. Potential impact of removing metronidazole from treatment armamentarium of mild acute Clostridioides difficile Future Microbiology 2019; 14:1489-1495.
  82. Kronenfeld N, Zilberman-Itskovich S, Lazarovitch T, Zaidenstein R, Saadon H, Maya T, Katz DE, Marchaim D. The impact of improper empiric usage of “anti-Pseudomonals” upon admission to an acute care hospital. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 2020; 22:5-8.
  83. Mills JP, Kaye KS, Evans R, Salzman E, Pogue JM, Hayakawa K, Marchaim D, Awasthy P, Salim M, Martin ET. Clinical and molecular epidemiology of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli infections in metro Detroit: early dominance of the ST-131 clone. Infectious Diseases and Therapy 2020; 9:683-690.
  84. Bouganim R, Dykman L, Fakeh O, Motro Y, Oren R, Daniel C, Lazarovitch T, Zaidenstein R, Moran-Gilad J, Marchaim D. The clinical and molecular epidemiology of non-carbapenemase-producing carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (non-CP-CRE): a case-case-control matched analysis. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2020; 7:ofaa299.
  85. Shpunt Y, Estrin I, Levi Y, Saadon H, Ben-Yossef G, Goldshtein L, Klafter D, Zilberman-Itskovich S, Ben-David D, Katz DE, Lazarovitch T, Zaidenstein R, Marchaim D. Antimicrobial use for asymptomatic bacteriuria – First, do no harm. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2021; 42:37-42.
  86. Temkin E, on behalf of the Israeli COVID-10 Consortium. Extremely Low Prevalence of Asymptomatic COVID-19 Among Healthcare Workers Caring for COVID-19 Patients in Israeli Hospitals: a Cross-sectional Study. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2021; 27:130e1-130e4.
  87. Zohar Y, Zilberman Itskovich S, Koren S, Zaidenstein R, Marchaim D, Koren R. The association of diabetes and hyperglycemia with sepsis outcomes: a population-based cohort analysis. Internal and Emergency Medicine 2021; 16:719-728.
  88. Cohen Mendel L, Amity K, Katz DE, Lazarovitch T, Zaidenstein R, Marchaim D. The Epidemiology of Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacter spp. – a Case-Case-Control Matched Analysis. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2021; 42:754-759.
  89. Zilberman-Itskovich S, Strul N, Chedid K, Martin ET, Shorbaje A, Vitkon-Barkay I, Marcus G, Michaeli L, Broide M, Yekutiel M, Zohar Y, Razin H, Low A, Strulovici A, Israeli B, Geva G, Katz DE, Ben-Chetrit E, Dodin M, Dhar S, Parsons II LM, Ramos-Mercado A, Kaye KS, Marchaim D. A “Resistance Calculator”: Simple Stewardship Intervention for Refining Empiric Practices of Antimicrobials in Acute Care Hospitals. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2021; 42:1082-1089.
  90. Shnaiderman-torban A, Marchaim D, Navon-Venezia S, Lubrani O, Paitan Y, Arielly H, Steinman A. Third generation cephalosporin resistant Enterobacterales infections in hospitalized horses and donkeys: a case-case-control analysis. Antibiotics (Basel). 2021; 10:155.
  91. Zilberman-Itskovich S, Oren C, Zaidenstein R, Wiener Y, Lazarovitch T, Rokney A, Ron M, Agmon V, Marchaim D. Haemophilus influenzae infections in pregnancy: A retrospective, nested case-control study. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2021; Manuscript in press.
  92. Muhsen K, Schwaber MJ, Bishara J, Kassem E, Atamna A, Naamna W, Bialik A, Zaide Y, Hazan N, Ariel-Cohen O, Cohen R, Shitrit P, Marchaim D, Benenson S, Ben-David D, Rubinovitch B, Gotessman T, Nutman A, Wiener-Well Y, Maor Y, Carmeli Y, Cohen D. SARS-CoV-2 serum antibodies in health care works in Israel: a longitudinal study. Frontiers in Medicine (Lausanne) 2021; 8:689994.
  93. Levi Y, Ben-David D, Estrin I, Saadon H, Krocker M, Goldshtein L, Klafter D, Zilberman-Itskovich S, Marchaim D. The impact of differences in surveillance definitions of Hospital Acquired Urinary Tract Infections (HAUTI). Antibiotics 2021; 10:1262.

Review Articles

  1. Marchaim D, Dishy V, Golik A. Concepts in Geriatric Clinical Pharmacology. Geriatrics and Aging 2005; 8:45-49.
  2. Cook E, Marchaim D, Building a successful infection prevention program: Key components, processes and economics.  Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, 2011; 25:1-19.
  3. Pogue JM, Marchaim D, Kaye D, Kaye KS. Re-visiting “older” antibiotics in the era of multi-drug resistance. Pharmacotherapy 2011; 31:912-21.
  4. Bogan C, Marchaim D. Role of Antimicrobial Stewardship in Curbing Carbapenem Resistance. Future Microbiology 2013; 8:979-91.
  5. Marchaim D, Katz D, Munoz-Price LS. Emergence and Control of Antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative Bacilli in Older Adults. Current Translational Geriatrics and Experimental Gerontology Reports 2013; 2:113-24.
  6. Tal-Jasper R, Coyle JR, Katz DE, Marchaim D. The complex epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) – producing Enterobacteriaceae. Future Microbiology 2015; 10:819-39.
  7. Pogue JM, Kaye KS, Cohen D, Marchaim D. Appropriate antimicrobial therapy in the era of multidrug resistant human pathogens. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015; 21:302-12.
  8. Adler A, Katz DE, Marchaim D. The continuing plague of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase Producing Enterobacteriaceae Infections. Infectious Diseases Clinics of North America 2016; 30:347-75.
  9. Adler A, Friedman ND, Marchaim D. Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negatives: Infection Control Implications. Infectious Diseases Clinics of North America 2016; 30:967-97.
  10. Richter SS, Marchaim D. Screening for carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae: who, when, and how? Virulence 2017; 8:417-426.
  11. Nutman A, Marchaim D. 'How to do it' – a molecular investigation of a hospital outbreak. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2019; 25: 688-695.
  12. Marchaim D, Kaye D, Kaye KS. Use of colistin in critically ill patients. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 2019; 1145:155-179.
  13. Adler A, Katz DE, Marchaim D. The Continuing Plague of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase Producing Enterbacterales Infections: An Update. Infectious Diseases Clinics of North America 2020; 34:677–708.
  14. Mills J, Marchaim D. Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria: Infection Prevention and Control Update. Infectious Diseases Clinics of North America 2021; 35:969-994.

Editorials / Case Reports / Letters to the Editor

  1. Marchaim D, Panda S, Taylor AR, Chopra T, Hayakawa K, Patel D, Pogue JM, Lephart PR, Dhar S, Kaye KS. Hospital Bath Basins Are Frequently Contaminated with Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO) which are Common ICU Pathogens. [Abstract]. Critical Care Medicine 2010; 38(12S):A7. 
  2. Marchaim D, Slim J, Dhar S, Flanagan E, Chopra T, Farber M, Weaver D, KayeKS.A regional survey of the use of mechanical bowel preparations prior to colorectal surgery [letter to the editor]. Annals of Surgery 2011; 253:839.
  3. Fairfax MR, Queenan AN, Lephart PR, Kaye KS, Marchaim D, Arnous N, Salimnia TT, Mitchell RA, Alangaden G, Salimnia H. Detection of Two SME-1 Carbapenemase-Producing Serratia marcescens in Detroit [letter to the editor]. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 2011; 71:325-6.
  4. Patel D, Marchaim D, Marcus G, Gayathri R, Lephart PR, Lazarovitch T, Zaidenstein R, Pranatharthi C. Predictors and outcomes of acyclovir-resistant herpes simplexvirus isolation among hematopoietic stem-cell transplant recipients: case-case-control investigation [letter to the editor]. Clinical Transplantation 2014; 28:1-5.
  5. Pogue JM, Cohen D, Marchaim D. Polymyxin-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii: an urgent act needed [Editorial]. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015; 60:1304-7.
  6. Zaidenstein R, Goldshtein L, Nestor D, Bibliv A, Istrin I, Tehila-Itschakov S, Aner M, Marchaim D. The impact of a comprehensive intervention that is based on positive feedback, to improve the compliance of staff to hand hygiene recommendations [Letter to the editor]. Harefuah 2018; 157:336.

Book Chapters

  1. Marchaim D, Kaye KS. Infections in the intensive care unit. In: UpToDate, Basow, DS (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2010.
  2. Kaye KS, Marchaim D, Weber DJ, Rutala WA. Healthcare-associated infections related to respiratory therapy. In: Mayhall’s Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control; 4th edition; Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011; Chapter 66: 978-89.
  3. Marchaim D, Kaye KS. Highly-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. In: Healthcare Associated Infections; 1stedition; Publisher: Oxford University Press; 2013; Chapter 9b: 191-96.
  4. Henig O, Katz DE, Marchaim D. Multidrug Resistant Gram Negative Bacilli - Infection Prevention Considerations. In: Infection Prevention: New Perspectives and Controversies; 1stedition; Publisher: Springer; 2017; Chapter 14: 127-144.
  5. Marchaim D, Kaye D, Kaye KS. Use of colistin in critically ill patients. In: Polymyxin Antibiotics: From Laboratory Bench to Bedside; 1st edition; Publisher: Springer; 2017; Chapter 12: in press.
  6. Henig O, Chikly A, Marchaim D. Multidrug Resistant Gram Negative Bacilli - Infection Prevention Considerations- An Update. In: Infection Prevention: New Perspectives and Controversies; 2nd edition; Publisher: Springer; 2021; Chapter 16: in press.

Book Editor

  1. Mayers D, Sobel JD, Ouellette M, Marchaim D, Kaye KS. Antimicrobial Drug Resistance; Mechanisms of Drug Resistance. Volume 2. Publisher: Springer; 2017.

Pending Publications

  1. Wang Z, Levtzion-Korach O, Zemel Y, Bechor Y, Malka E, Peterson M, Marchaim D, Efrati S. Cross contamination by COVID-19 during hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2021; Manuscript in review.
  2. Dadon M, Chedid K, Shaul I, Greiver O, Katz I, Daniel C, Saadon H, Maya T, Alfaro M, Hod L, Elhakim Qadan A, Lazarovitch T, Shorbaje A, Braslavsky-Siag A, Moscovich S, Jaffe K, Zaidenstein R, Martin ET, Marchaim D. Improved cleanliness of high-touch surfaces as a horizontal measure to improve infectious outcomes among hospitalized patients. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2021; Manuscript in preparation.
  3. Kilgore PE, Haider S, Moshos JA, Carling PC, Lephart PE, Burger TT, Marchaim D, Salim A, Kaye KS. Impact of OxyCideDisinfectant on Environmental Contamination Compared with Standard Cleaning Practices. American Journal of Infection Control 2021; Manuscript in review.